

Seeking business partnerships


Hello all!

As an open-source organization, we are committed to keeping NativeSensors and EyeGestures free and accessible for everyone. We are extremely thankful for all the donations we have received!

Our team consists only of volunteers, which limits our focus and ability to maintain a steady development pace. We want to change that and pursue business partnerships to help sustain the NativeSensors projects. Partnerships will enable us to:

  • Maintain a part-time team rather than relying on ad-hoc volunteers
  • Develop more than just core technologies
  • Focus on research efforts regarding our technologies

In exchange, we are happy to provide the necessary licenses and custom features and closely collaborate on integration or custom software.

If your company is interested in collaborating with us or if you have ideas on how we can work together, please reach out to us at or subscribe to one of our business subscriptions!

Subscription Tiers on Polar

Thank you for your support and for joining us on this exciting journey!

Best regards,

The EyeGestures Team

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