

EyeGestures Directions a.k.a Roadmap v1


We Have Been Through a Lot!

EyeGestures has significantly evolved from a small, silly experiment running on one laptop to the second generation of an open-source gaze tracking engine that can start competing with commercial solutions, although it may still be on the losing side.

With a working technology stack that can solve problems, it is the perfect moment to catch our breath and scope the project a bit.


This roadmap will likely evolve, but given our current position, we can follow two routes simultaneously:


Research Route

Not everyone has time to check our software. Hence, we are frequently asked how good it is. As open-source software, there is always the opportunity for users to validate it themselves. However, pursuing standardized frameworks and metrics can add significant "business" value.

It is easier to make a business decision to use an open-source library over commercial technology when the open-source option provides metrics that allow for comparison with similar technologies.

With that in mind, we can develop a simple gaze tracker for research purposes, enabling us to measure how well and how accurately our method performs compared to other methods.

This will allow us to conduct validation studies and provide "research" input into NativeSensors.

Technology Route

The second route focuses on the accessibility of our technology. Currently, it should not pose any difficulties for Python users. However, the technology world encompasses more than just one language, so we aim to expand our compatibility.

To set the stage, we should expand our Python library to JavaScript and NodeJS, which could increase the adaptability of EyeGestures.

The next step would be to open it up for native Android and iOS development, allowing EyeGestures to be used on mobile devices without the need for a web server.

As we evolve this route, we may develop new APIs over time to facilitate work with our custom servers.

Regardless of the Route

Our main goal is to provide competitive open-source technology that allows for building new gaze-tracking and assistive interfaces, bringing social value to all of us, and enabling other engineers to design awesome software.

Evolution of the Roadmap

This roadmap will likely evolve over time, but we aim to establish what can be expected from the project for now.

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