I add a scheme, but the generated project doesn't have the scheme.
public static func app(name: String, platform: Platform, additionalTargets: [String]) -> Project {
var targets = makeAppTargets(name: name,
platform: platform,
dependencies: additionalTargets.map { TargetDependency.target(name: $0) })
targets += additionalTargets.flatMap({ makeFrameworkTargets(name: $0, platform: platform) })
return Project(name: name,
organizationName: "tuist.io",
targets: targets,
schemes: [
Scheme(name: "DummyScheme") // <--- here
import ProjectDescription
import ProjectDescriptionHelpers
let dependencies = Dependencies(
swiftPackageManager: .init([
.remote(url: "https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-tagged.git", requirement: .upToNextMajor(from: "0.6.0")),
.remote(url: "https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire", requirement: .upToNextMajor(from: "5.5.0"))
platforms: [.iOS]
/// Helper function to create a framework target and an associated unit test target
private static func makeFrameworkTargets(name: String, platform: Platform) -> [Target] {
let sources = Target(name: name,
platform: platform,
product: .framework,
bundleId: "io.tuist.\(name)",
infoPlist: .default,
sources: ["Targets/\(name)/Sources/**"],
resources: [],
dependencies: [.external(name: "Tagged")]) // <- here
dependencies: [.external(name: "Tagged")])
dependencies: [.external(name: "Alamofire")])
see the image above
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