Skeleton Figma Kit | 25 People
The Package includes a Team license for up to 25 Peoplee for the Skeleton Figma Kit and one year of free updates.Includes:Skeleton Figma UI Kit
Downloadable and yours to keep forever, even if you cancel your subscription.1 year of updates included with your subscription.Skeleton to Figma Theme Import Plugin
A SaaS product that remains accessible while your subscription is active.1 Year of Updates for both the kit and the plugin.Disclaimer:To use the Skeleton Figma UI Kit as a Figma library and to import your theme from Skeleton, you need at least a Figma Professional Team plan. Unfortunately, this is a hard requirement from Figma side. If you don't want to upgrade your Figma plan, you can still manually copy the components from the Skeleton Figma UI Kit to use it.
Figma Theme Import Plugin