Quentin Hocdé

April 2
piecesjs on codesandbox
piecesjs on codesandbox

Hey everyone 👋

Few weeks ago I released a new tiny framework called piecesjs, based on native web components to build interactive websites: Learn more.

March 21
Update - piecesjs v0.1.0 (emit() and collaboration)

I currently working with piecesjs on a web project, so I decided to make a refactoring and officially create a release 0.1.0

Link to the repo : https://github.com/piecesjs/piecesjs

March 19
Who am I and introducing piecesjs

Hello 👋 I am Quentin Hocdé, a freelance creative and front-end developer with over 10 years of experience. I mainly create animated and interactive websites. I am also ex-lead front-end at Locomotive.

I have always shared a lot about my workflow, my way of building websites, and I am one of the creators of locomotive-scroll.