Timothée Mazzucotelli

April 14
A short history of mkdocstrings

Hey everyone!

Birk Jernström shared on Twitter that he would like to see posts about why and how people started their projects. He's going to reward one of them with nice dollars, and subscribe to three projects, so this is my participation. I realize I could have just posted something without this introduction, but I've only started recently using Polar.sh and wanted to keep being fully transparent about my work, so I think giving the context is important :) Also, full disclaimer: the following text is just a slightly updated version of a note in my Somewhat-modern Python blog post (MkDocs section), that I've now also added to my Showcase.


Hello everybody :)

I just finished setting up some tiers in my Polar dashboard. I copied the tiers from my GitHub sponsors profile. This is just in case some users would prefer sponsoring me on Polar rather than GitHub!