Currently it is not possible to use instances of PermissionClasses, leading to lots of boilerplate.
Usecase: I want to check for specific features, like this:
@strawberry.field(permission_classes=[FeatureRequired(feature_1), FeatureRequired(feature_2)]
This does not work, because permission_classes only takes classes and will be instanciated here.
To "fix" this the Typing must be fixed List[Type[BasePermission]] to something like List[Type[BasePermission] | BasePermission]]
and the code snippet here:
permission_instances = [
permission_class() for permission_class in permission_classes
needs some inspection like this:
permission_instances = list()
for permission_class in permission_classes:
if isinstance(permission_class, type):
permission_class = permission_class()
with this changes I also would suggest to refactor the permission_classes
name to permissions
+ deprecating the permission_classes
argument on strawberry.field
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