If a client provides invalid input for the Upload
field (e.g. string or number), strawberry don't raise any errors and executes the related resolver.
class Mutation:
def mutation(self, file: Upload) -> bool:
return True
mutation { mutation (value: "just-a-string") }
If client will provide invalid input for the Upload
field for such a mutation, the mutation will be executed without any errors.
Ordinary fields are validated fine, but Upload
fields are not validated
import pytest
from pytest_mock import MockerFixture
from starlette.testclient import TestClient
import strawberry
from strawberry.file_uploads import Upload
from tests.fastapi.app import create_app
class Query:
empty: None = None
class SimpleInput:
value: bool
class UploadInput:
value: Upload
("input_value_annotation", "graphql_type", "bad_variable"),
(bool, "Boolean", "not a boolean"),
(SimpleInput, "SimpleInput", "just a string"),
(SimpleInput, "SimpleInput", {"value": "not a boolean"}),
(UploadInput, "UploadInput", "just a string"),
(UploadInput, "UploadInput", {"value": "not an upload"}), # this is currently failing
(Upload, "Upload", "not an upload"), # this is currently failing
async def test_mutation_input_validation(
mocker: MockerFixture, input_value_annotation, graphql_type, bad_variable
mock = mocker.Mock()
def resolver(value) -> bool:
return True
# dynamic addition of input field annotation:
resolver.__annotations__ = {"value": input_value_annotation}
class Mutation:
mutation = strawberry.mutation(resolver, graphql_type=bool)
app = create_app(schema=strawberry.Schema(Query, mutation=Mutation))
response = TestClient(app).post(
"query": f"mutation($value: {graphql_type}!) {{ mutation(value: $value) }}",
"variables": {"value": bad_variable},
response_json = response.json()
assert mock.call_count == 0
assert response_json["data"] is None
assert response_json["errors"] is not None
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