Strawberry's automatic type-naming for generics is ignoring annotated types on unions. Here are a few examples of what I've tried:
This causes the union type to be named SomeTypeNotFoundError
from typing import Annotated, Generic, TypeVar, Union
import strawberry
from my_types import OtherType, SomeType
class NotFoundError:
id: strawberry.ID
message: str
T = TypeVar('T')
class ObjectQueries(Generic[T]):
def by_id(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> Annotated[Union[T, NotFoundError], strawberry.union("ByIdResult")]:
class Query:
def some_type_queries(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> ObjectQueries[SomeType]:
return ObjectQueries(SomeType)
def other_type_queries(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> ObjectQueries[OtherType]:
return ObjectQueries(OtherType)
schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)
This causes TypeError: SomeTypeObjectQueries fields cannot be resolved.
from typing import Annotated, Generic, TypeVar, Union
import strawberry
from my_types import OtherType, SomeType
class NotFoundError:
id: strawberry.ID
message: str
T = TypeVar('T')
class ObjectQueries(Generic[T]):
# NOTE annotaion moved to just the union
def by_id(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> Union[T, Annotated[NotFoundError, strawberry.union("ByIdResult")]]:
class Query:
def some_type_queries(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> ObjectQueries[SomeType]:
return ObjectQueries(SomeType)
def other_type_queries(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> ObjectQueries[OtherType]:
return ObjectQueries(OtherType)
schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)
Pulling the definition up has the same behaviour in both cases:
from typing import Annotated, Generic, TypeVar, Union
import strawberry
from my_types import OtherType, SomeType
class NotFoundError:
id: strawberry.ID
message: str
T = TypeVar('T')
ByIdResult = Annotated[Union[T, NotFoundError], strawberry.union("ByIdResult", (T, NotFoundError))]
# NOTE this does the same thing, but with a linter warning:
# ByIdResult = strawberry.union("ByIdResult", (T, NotFoundError))
class ObjectQueries(Generic[T]):
# NOTE annotaion moved to just the union
def by_id(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> ByIdResult:
class Query:
def some_type_queries(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> ObjectQueries[SomeType]:
return ObjectQueries(SomeType)
def other_type_queries(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> ObjectQueries[OtherType]:
return ObjectQueries(OtherType)
schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)
Specifying T in the union doesn't help
from typing import Annotated, Generic, TypeVar, Union
import strawberry
from my_types import OtherType, SomeType
class NotFoundError:
id: strawberry.ID
message: str
T = TypeVar('T')
ByIdResult = Union[T, Annotated[NotFoundError, strawberry.union("ByIdResult")]]
class ObjectQueries(Generic[T]):
# NOTE annotaion moved to just the union
def by_id(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> ByIdResult[T]:
class Query:
def some_type_queries(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> ObjectQueries[SomeType]:
return ObjectQueries(SomeType)
def other_type_queries(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> ObjectQueries[OtherType]:
return ObjectQueries(OtherType)
schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)
Splitting out the error union doesn't help, this also can't resolve fields:
from typing import Annotated, Generic, TypeVar, Union
import strawberry
from my_types import OtherType, SomeType
class NotFoundError:
id: strawberry.ID
message: str
T = TypeVar('T')
ByIdError = Annotated[NotFoundError, strawberry.union("ByIdError")]
class ObjectQueries(Generic[T]):
# NOTE annotaion moved to just the union
def by_id(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> T | ByIdError:
class Query:
def some_type_queries(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> ObjectQueries[SomeType]:
return ObjectQueries(SomeType)
def other_type_queries(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> ObjectQueries[OtherType]:
return ObjectQueries(OtherType)
schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)
It appears that the issue with the ones that raise an exception rather than simply having the wrong names have their problem stemming from not being able to from a union with an instance of strawberry.union
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