When a strawberry type definition is generic, it reports a deprecation warning about _type_definition
, but the alternative __strawberry_definition__
is not set.
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
import strawberry
from strawberry.printer import print_schema
T = TypeVar("T")
class GenericType(Generic[T]):
def type_field(self) -> T:
class Query:
def int_generic(self) -> GenericType[int]:
This prints:
not _type_definition
does not exsting.type IntGenericType {
typeField: Int!
type Query {
intGeneric: IntGenericType!
/Users/james/repos/strawberry-example/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/strawberry/utils/deprecations.py:23: UserWarning: _type_definition is deprecated, use __strawberry_definition__ instead
StrawberryObjectDefinition(name='GenericType', is_input=False, is_interface=False, origin=<class '__main__.GenericType'>, description=None, interfaces=[], extend=False, directives=(), is_type_of=None, resolve_type=None, _fields=[Field(name='type_field',type=<strawberry.type.StrawberryTypeVar object at 0x104362d10>,default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x1030875d0>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x1030875d0>,init=False,repr=False,hash=None,compare=False,metadata=mappingproxy({}),kw_only=True,_field_type=_FIELD)], concrete_of=None, type_var_map={})
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/james/repos/strawberry-example/models.py", line 26, in <module>
File "/Users/james/.pyenv/versions/3.11.5/lib/python3.11/typing.py", line 1295, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError(attr)
AttributeError: __strawberry_definition__
I think the expected behaviour is that it should be possible to print just __strawberry_definition__
, with no deprecation warning. This works if the type is not generic.
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