The from_pydantic
function in Pydantic does not work with a specialized list class. When attempting to convert a specialized list instance, such as workList[WorkModel], an error is raised: ValueError: Not supported workList[types.Work]
import strawberry
from typing import TypeVar, List
from pydantic import BaseModel
SI = TypeVar("SI", covariant=True)
class SpecialList(List[SI]):
class WorkModel(BaseModel):
name: str
class workList(SpecialList[SI]):
min_items = 1
class UserModel(BaseModel):
work: workList[WorkModel]
class Work:
class User:
origin_user = UserModel(
work=[WorkModel(name="developer"), WorkModel(name="tester")]
user = User.from_pydantic(origin_user)
assert user == User(work=[Work(name="developer"), Work(name="tester")])
The conversion from the Pydantic model UserModel to the Strawberry model User should work properly, including the conversion of the specialized list workList[WorkModel] to a list of Work instances.
An error is raised: ValueError: Not supported tests.experimental.pydantic.test_conversion.test_can_convert_pydantic_type_to_strawberry_with_constrained_list..workList[types.Work].
I encountered this error while working on the orchestrator-core project. The error is similar to the one mentioned in the GitHub reference provided. Here is the relevant code snippet from that reference:
class SubscriptionInstanceList(ConstrainedList, List[SI]): # type: ignore
"""Shorthand to create constrained lists of product blocks."""
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
# Copy generic argument (SI) if not set explicitly
# This makes a lot of assumptions about the internals of `typing`
if "__orig_bases__" in cls.__dict__ and cls.__dict__["__orig_bases__"]:
generic_base_cls = cls.__dict__["__orig_bases__"][0]
if not hasattr(generic_base_cls, "item_type") and get_args(generic_base_cls):
cls.item_type = get_args(generic_base_cls)[0]
# Make sure __args__ is set
cls.__args__ = (cls.item_type,)
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