Convert DB reference type fields to GraphQL types automatically by specifying type mapping configuration. The feature will make Strawberry compatible with numerous ORM packages easily.
# DB models
class Role:
id = IdField()
name = StrField()
description = TextField()
class User:
id = IdField()
username = StrField()
password = StrField()
role = ReferenceField(Role)
# GraphQL types
class UserRead:
id: str
username: str
class RoleRead:
id: str
name: str
class TaskRead:
assignee: UserRead | RoleRead | None = StrawberryField(db_model_graphql_type_mapping={
User: UserRead, Role: RoleRead
title: str
content: str
due_at: datetime
class StrawberryField:
def __init__(
db_model_graphql_type_mapping: dict[Any, Any] | None = None,
# other parameters
self.db_model_graphql_type_mapping = db_model_graphql_type_mapping
# other stuff
def get_result(
self, source: Any, info: Optional[Info], args: list[Any], kwargs: dict[str, Any]
Calls the resolver defined for the StrawberryField.
If the field doesn't have a resolver defined we default
to using the default resolver specified in StrawberryConfig.
if self.db_model_graphql_type_mapping:
return self.convert_to_graphql_type(source)
if self.base_resolver:
return self.base_resolver(*args, **kwargs)
return self.default_resolver(source, self.python_name)
def convert_to_graphql_type(self, source: Any)
db_object = getattr(source,
if not db_object:
db_model = type(db_object)
graphql_type = self.db_model_graphql_type_mapping[db_model]
fields = graphql_type.__dict__["__dataclass_fields__"].keys()
return graphql_type(**{f: getattr(db_object, f) for f in fields})
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