When using the REST API functionality of a framework like FastAPI, it automatically generates the Openapi/Swagger with details of all constraints for each field as defined in the Pydantic models i.e. minLength, maxLength, minimum.
This is useful because anybody viewing the openapi/swagger can automatically know everything about the fields without any communication with the team who owns the API.
It would be great if @strawberry.experimental.pydantic would automatically generate a description for each field based off the underlying Pydantic field's constraints. This way people can view all constraints/validations on a field within the GraphIQL documentation explorer. I think this would be pretty innovative in terms of bridging the gap between OpenAPI/Swagger and GraphIQL as I haven't seen this functionality anywhere else.
We can use the underlying Pydantic schema of a Strawberry type to auto-generate a description string during application startup.
Working example of doing this manually with a couple of the many potential constraints Pydantic can handle:
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import Field, BaseModel
import strawberry
from strawberry.fastapi import GraphQLRouter
from storage.api.open_api import OpenApi
class User(BaseModel):
name: str = Field(max_length=50)
address: str = Field(max_length=100)
@strawberry.experimental.pydantic.type(model=User, all_fields=True)
class UserType:
# 1. Get underlying pydantic schema which contains openapi information
pydantic_schema = UserType._pydantic_type.schema()
properties = pydantic_schema["properties"]
# 2. Loop through all the fields in the strawberry type
for i, field in enumerate(UserType._type_definition.fields):
# 3. Get maxLength/minLength from the underlying pydantic schema. In reality we'd get all possible constraitns
max_length = properties[field.name].get("maxLength")
min_length = properties[field.name].get("minLength")
# 4. Add the details to the field level description
description = f"maxLength: {max_length} \nminLength: {min_length}\n"
UserType._type_definition.fields[i].description = description
class Query:
def user(self) -> UserType:
user = User(name="Jeff", address="1234 Drury Lane")
return user
schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)
graphql_app = GraphQLRouter(schema)
app = FastAPI()
app = FastAPI(title=OpenApi.title, description=OpenApi.description)
app.include_router(graphql_app, prefix="/graphql")
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