I want to add a GraphQL API to an application alongside its existing REST API. The application has an abstraction layer that defines all its commands and queries as data transfer objects (DTO) using Python dataclasses. I want to map these dataclasses into GraphQL types. I cannot change their definitions directly, as that would add a strawberry dependency into the core app.
So I have a situation that looks a lot like the experimental Pydantic integration.
# core/dtos.py
class AuthorDTO:
name: str
books: list['BookDTO']
class BookDTO:
title: str
author: AuthorDTO
Is there a supported way to register these as GraphQL types and add resolvers onto them?
For example, this is a perfectly working schema.py
# graphql/schema.py
def get_authors(root) -> list["Author"]:
return [Author(name="Michael Crichton")]
def get_author_for_book(root) -> "Author":
return Author(name="Michael Crichton")
def get_books_for_author(root):
return [Book(title="Jurassic Park")]
class Book:
title: str
author: "Author" = strawberry.field(resolver=get_author_for_book)
class Author:
name: str
books: list[Book] = strawberry.field(resolver=get_books_for_author)
class Query:
authors: list[Author] = strawberry.field(resolver=get_authors)
books: list[Book] = strawberry.field(resolver=get_books_for_author)
but what I want instead is to define Book
and Author
maybe like this:
class Book(strawberry.type(BookDTO)):
author: "Author" = strawberry.field(resolver=get_author_for_book)
class Author(strawberry.type(AuthorDTO)):
books: list[Book] = strawberry.field(resolver=get_books_for_author)
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