In our codebase we have this mutation
update_post: PostType = DjangoUpdateMutation(
where a Post can have a user (author):
class PostType(RandomPkInterface):
user: Optional[
Annotated["UserType", strawberry.lazy("accounts.types")]
] = strawberry_django.field(
and the input class is:
@strawberry_django.input(Post, partial=True)
class PostInput:
id: uuid.UUID
description: Optional[str]
owner: Optional[OneToOneInput]
Before updating to:
our versions where:
and running a query like this
mutation {
updateMeasure(input: { id: "ID" }) {
... on PostType {
user {
would work properly. Hower, after the update, we get a permission error
Given perms must have same app label ("post" != "accounts")
The error is returned only if we include user
in the fragment
Is there something I'm missing?
Is this the correct way to add permissions to an update mutation or is it just a bug?
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