Hello. I just found out that ordering by multiple fields does not work properly when the order is in the variables, rather than in the query itself. Here's a simple example that reproduces the bug.
class MyObject(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=10)
date = models.DateField()
class MyObjectOrder:
name: Ordering
date: Ordering
@strawberry.django.type(MyObject, order=MyObjectOrder)
class MyObject:
name: str
date: datetime.date
def objects() -> list[MyObject]:
return MyObject.objects.all()
If you include the order (date DESC, name DESC) in the query itself, you get the correctly ordered response:
"operationName": "myQuery",
"variables": {},
"query": "query myQuery {\n objects(order: {date: DESC, name: DESC}) {\n totalCount\n edges {\n node {\n name\n date\n }\n }\n }\n}"
"data": {
"objects": {
"totalCount": 6,
"edges": [
"node": {
"name": "lemon",
"date": "2024-08-23"
"node": {
"name": "banana",
"date": "2024-08-23"
"node": {
"name": "apple",
"date": "2024-08-23"
"node": {
"name": "lemon",
"date": "2024-08-22"
"node": {
"name": "banana",
"date": "2024-08-22"
"node": {
"name": "apple",
"date": "2024-08-22"
whereas the response from the following exchange is not ordered as expected.
"operationName": "myQuery",
"variables": {
"order": {
"date": "DESC",
"name": "DESC"
"query": "query myQuery($order: MyObjectOrder) {\n objects(order: $order) {\n totalCount\n edges {\n node {\n name\n date\n }\n }\n }\n}"
"data": {
"objects": {
"totalCount": 6,
"edges": [
"node": {
"name": "lemon",
"date": "2024-08-23"
"node": {
"name": "lemon",
"date": "2024-08-22"
"node": {
"name": "banana",
"date": "2024-08-23"
"node": {
"name": "banana",
"date": "2024-08-22"
"node": {
"name": "apple",
"date": "2024-08-23"
"node": {
"name": "apple",
"date": "2024-08-22"
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