Hi! I've decided to use Robyn together with strawberry-graphql but is seems it not working properly. Robyn has a problem with rendering the answer from the standard introspection query. With the following code:
app = robyn.Robyn(__file__)
async def handle_api_request(request: robyn.Request) -> robyn.jsonify:
body = request.json()
query = body["query"]
variables = body.get("variables")
context = {}
root_value = body.get("root_value", None)
operation_name = body.get("operation_name", None)
data = await schema.execute(
return robyn.jsonify({
"data": (data.data),
**({"errors": data.errors} if data.errors else {}),
**({"extensions": data.extensions} if data.extensions else {}),
@app.get("/graphql", const=True)
async def handle_api_playground_request(request: robyn.Request):
return {
"description": strawberry.utils.graphiql.get_graphiql_html(),
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "text/html"
I going to always get the following response:
ERROR:strawberry.execution:Syntax Error: Unexpected <EOF>.
GraphQL request:1:1869
1 | "\n query IntrospectionQuery {\n __schema {\n \n queryType
| { name }\n mutationType { name }\n subscriptionType { name }\n
| types {\n ...FullType\n }\n directives {\n
| name\n description\n \n locations\n args(inc
| ludeDeprecated: true) {\n ...InputValue\n }\n }\n
| }\n }\n\n fragment FullType on __Type {\n kind\n name\n d
| escription\n \n fields(includeDeprecated: true) {\n name\n
| description\n args(includeDeprecated: true) {\n ...InputValue
| \n }\n type {\n ...TypeRef\n }\n isDeprecat
| ed\n deprecationReason\n }\n inputFields(includeDeprecated: tru
| e) {\n ...InputValue\n }\n interfaces {\n ...TypeRef\n
| }\n enumValues(includeDeprecated: true) {\n name\n descri
| ption\n isDeprecated\n deprecationReason\n }\n possibleT
| ypes {\n ...TypeRef\n }\n }\n\n fragment InputValue on __Input
| Value {\n name\n description\n type { ...TypeRef }\n default
| Value\n isDeprecated\n deprecationReason\n }\n\n fragment TypeRe
| f on __Type {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n nam
| e\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n
| kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n
| name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n
| ofType {\n kind\n name\n
| ofType {\n kind\n name\n
| }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n
| }\n }\n }\n "
| ^
ERROR:robyn.server:Error while executing route function for endpoint `/graphql`:
That's happening always when I trying call http://localhost:8080/graphql with GET
python=3.12.0, robyn=^0.44.2, uvloop=^0.19.0, strawberry-graphql=^0.212.0
python src.py --dev
in you browserLinux
python --version
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