We use Microsoft Entra ID on microsoft azure.
We send all posisble group sin the token, but we keep missing a lot of groups. Some users have over 150 groups! We cannot figer out what to do for the group configuration to arrive completely.
This is the setting:
'AUDIENCE': client_id,
'CLIENT_ID': client_id,
'CLIENT_SECRET': client_secret,
'CLAIM_MAPPING': {'first_name': 'given_name',
'last_name': 'family_name',
'email': 'upn'},
'GROUPS_CLAIM': 'groups',
'TENANT_ID': tenant_id,
'RELYING_PARTY_ID': client_id,
In Entra ID:
in tokenconfiguration we have the groupclaim:
Directory roles
All groups
Groups configured for applications
We believe everything is complete, but it turns out that a specific user who has 200 groups according to entra ID, only shows up with 100 groups in Django.
I cannot find something like a cutoff (groups run form a to z) but we are missing vital groups.
Can anyone explain me how we have to fix this, so that everything shows up?
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