It would be useful to add a strongly-typed version of Object.values().
How Object.values is defined:
values<T>(o: { [s: string]: T; } | ArrayLike<T>): T[];
How objectValues could be defined:
export const objectValues = Object.values as <Type extends object>(value: Type) => Array<Required<Type>[ObjectKeys<Type>]>;
Also objectKeys and objectEntries definitions should be synchronized:
// Notice "Type extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>". This definition rejects interfaces.
export const objectEntries = Object.entries as <Type extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>>(value: Type) => Array<[ObjectKeys<Type>, Required<Type>[ObjectKeys<Type>]]>;
// Notice "Type extends object". This definition accepts interfaces.
export const objectKeys = Object.keys as <Type extends object>(value: Type) => Array<ObjectKeys<Type>>;
I would suggest changing objectEntries definition to "Type extends object" to allow passing interfaces, because I see no point in rejecting them, we are not making these calls safer by rejecting them (with or without allowing interfaces we are doing the same unsafe things
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