throws the following error when using Next.js on Windows: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string or an instance of URL. Received an instance of URL at async deleteAction (./app/actions/delete.ts:14:5)
Reproducable example at
I've determined the issue is linked to what import.meta.url
is returning in Next.js. In Next.js it looks like this "/_next/static/media/windows-trash.2b7fe177.exe". In the trash library the Windows trash binary is imported like this const binary = new URL('windows-trash.exe', import.meta.url);
. Even though an URL is created, it fails later in a call to fileURLToPath() because it is missing a protocol (e.g. file:). fileURLToPath()
validates the path using a isURL(path) there you can see it expects a protocol to be set.
My temporary fix in my side-project has been to download the recycle-bin binary directly and then copied the logic from and except that the binary was "imported" like this const pathToRecycleBinary = dirname(dirname(import.meta.url)) + "/binary/recycle-bin.exe";
Ala this:
"use server";
import { promisify } from "node:util";
import { execFile } from "node:child_process";
import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url";
import chunkify from "@sindresorhus/chunkify";
import { dirname } from "node:path";
const pathToRecycleBinary =
dirname(dirname(import.meta.url)) + "/binary/recycle-bin.exe";
const pExecFile = promisify(execFile);
export async function deleteFile(path: string) {
for (const chunk of chunkify([path], 200)) {
const urlToBinary = fileURLToPath(pathToRecycleBinary);
await pExecFile(urlToBinary, chunk);
I don't know if this is the best solution (importing the binary differently) to the problem though.
Note: not sure if this only affects Windows users
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