I was interested to why Swedish was included but none of the other Scandinavian languages and I spotted a letter I have never seen in Swedish before Ë
. There is also no mention of Swedish on Wikipedia (English nor Norwegian or Swedish version).
// Disabled as it conflicts with German and Latin.
// Swedish
// ['å', 'o'],
// ['Å', 'o'],
// ['ä', 'a'],
// ['Ä', 'A'],
// ['ë', 'e'], <-- does not exist in any Scandinavian language
// ['Ë', 'E'], <-- does not exist in any Scandinavian language
// ['ö', 'o'],
// ['Ö', 'O'],
I'm Danish, lived in Sweden and speak Swedish. Currently I live in Norway and are picking up Norwegian as well.
If you want to get support for the rest of the Scandinavian languages, you are in luck. Both Norwegian and Danish share letters and translation to Latin letters, although we do not pronounce Latin letters the same.
Norwegian and Danish:
['æ', 'ae'],
['Æ', 'Ae'],
['ø', 'oe'],
['Ø', 'Oe'],
['å', 'aa'],
['Å', 'Aa'],
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