I have a use case where I need to parse and stringify an object containing arrays of strings. These arrays may include strings that contain commas (","
) as part of their value. For example:
Example 1:
"prop": ["val1,val2", "val3"]
Example 2:
"prop": ["val1,val2"]
const stringified = queryString.stringify(a, {
arrayFormat: "comma",
const parsed = queryString.parse(stringified, {
arrayFormat: "comma",
console.log({ parsed, stringified });
The output of the above code varies depending on the version of query-string
For Example 1, the output does not split "val1,val2"
"parsed": {
"prop": ["val1,val2", "val3"]
"stringified": "prop=val1%2Cval2,val3"
For Example 2, the output also does not split "val1,val2"
"parsed": {
"prop": "val1,val2"
"stringified": "prop=val1%2Cval2"
For Example 1, the output does not split "val1,val2"
"parsed": {
"prop": ["val1,val2", "val3"]
"stringified": "prop=val1%2Cval2,val3"
For Example 2, the output splits "val1,val2"
"parsed": {
"prop": ["val1", "val2"]
"stringified": "prop=val1%2Cval2"
For Example 1, the output does not split "val1,val2"
"parsed": {
"prop": ["val1,val2", "val3"]
"stringified": "prop=val1%2Cval2,val3"
For Example 2, the output splits "val1,val2"
"parsed": {
"prop": ["val1", "val2"]
"stringified": "prop=val1%2Cval2"
Version 6.12.1
works best for my use case. However, I want to understand:
arrayFormat: "comma"
and cannot switch to another format, how should I handle this issue?codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/query-string-forked-rwvl3y?file=%2Fsrc%2Findex.js
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