prompts get corrupted during command completion
typeset -g PROMPT=$'%F{${prompt_pure_colors[path]}}%~%f %}%(12V.%F{$prompt_pure_colors[virtualenv]}%12v%f .)%(?.%F{$prompt_pure_colors[prompt:success]}.%F{$prompt_pure_colors[prompt:error]})${prompt_pure_state[prompt]}%f %{%}'
typeset -g -A prompt_pure_colors=( [execution_time]=yellow [git:action]=yellow [git:arrow]=cyan [git:branch]=195 [git:branch:cached]=red [git:dirty]=218 [git:stash]=cyan [host]=242 [path]=195 [prompt:continuation]=242 [prompt:error]=red [prompt:success]=magenta [suspended_jobs]=red [user]=242 [user:root]=default [virtualenv]=195 )
export TERM=xterm-256color
I made a search here and could not find open issues related to this. I have found a similar question on Stackoverlow and tried the suggestion given there. I added:
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
to ~/.profile
, but with no effects.
Besides the pure prompt, I have no other alternative prompts installed. The problem only occurs with pure.
I use pure only with iterm.
When using pure prompt within iterm2, typing a command (e.g. cd
) then TAB twice, the command name is left in the prompt and cannot be removed.
This is what I mean (cd
+ tab
+ tab
This is what I see after typing "backspace" four times (or more):
:autoload -U promptinit; promptinit
prompt pure
zstyle :prompt:pure:virtualenv color 195
zstyle :prompt:pure:git:branch color 195
zstyle :prompt:pure:path color 195
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