Hello everyone. We are using Storyblok as our CMS and access the data using the GraphQL API. Their limits are point based, where an empty connection is 1 point and every query inside that connection costs another query. Yesterday we reached the limit and half our website was down. To combat this issue we combined queries (less points) and added a throttle to prevent reaching the limit.
The problem we are facing is that right now, we have set the limit to 10 requests per second but we don't reach our full potential because they use a point system and not a request system. We can use 100 points per second, but requesting 1 table costs 2 points. Requesting 3 tables costs 4 points. Therefor my question is, would it be possible to give a throttle instance some kind of weight (point), so we can reach the full potential of the API and therefor decrease loading times?
Thank you in advance!
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