When I make a request to IP Address and Port combination the timings.phases.dns logs around 300ms
wait: 2, dns: 342, tcp: 0, tls: undefined, req: 1, fb: 341, download: 5, total: 691
wait: 2, dns: 0, tcp: 0, tls: undefined, req: 1, fb: 341, download: 5, total: 349
timings.phases.dns should be 0 for request mad eon IP addresses as there is no DNS Lookup involved
This is my server code
var wrappedgot = null;
var customGot = null;
function HTTPRequestV2(hostURL, defaultOptions) {
this.hostUrl = hostURL;
HTTPRequestV2.prototype.init = async function(){
wrappedgot = (await import('got')).default;
const CacheableLookup = (await import('cacheable-lookup')).default;
const cacheable = new CacheableLookup({lookup: false});
customGot = wrappedgot.extend({
dnsCache : cacheable
HTTPRequestV2.prototype.makeRequest = async function(){
const res = await customGot('',
{timeout: {
lookup: 100,
connect: 500,
secureConnect: 50,
socket: 1000,
send: 10,
response: 1000
console.log("wait: " + res.timings.phases.wait
+ ", dns: " + res.timings.phases.dns
+ ", tcp: " + res.timings.phases.tcp
+ ", tls: " + res.timings.phases.tls
+ ", req: " + res.timings.phases.request
+ ", fb: " + res.timings.phases.firstByte
+ ", download: " + res.timings.phases.download
+ ", total: " + res.timings.phases.total);
// console.log(res.json());
module.exports = HTTPRequestV2;
const http = require('http');
const HTTPRequestV2 = require('./HTTPRequestV2')
const hostname = '';
const port = 3000;
let hTTPRequestV2 = new HTTPRequestV2();
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.statusCode = 200;
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
res.end('Hello World');
server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);
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