Excuse me, is there a relatively good Typescript encapsulation for the communication between ipcMain and ipcRenderer?
According to the code written in the official documentation:
In the main process:
ipcMain.on('ping', () => console.log('pong'))
In the renderer process:
This usage is not very good because:
. And sometimes when the main process listens, it is:on/handle
declare global {
interface Window {
electron: ElectronAPI
api: unknown
IPC: {
invoke: (channel: string, data: unknown[]) => Promise<unknown>
ipcOn: (
channel: string,
fun: (event: IpcRendererEvent, data: unknown[]) => void
) => Electron.IpcRenderer
removeAllListeners: (channel: string) => Electron.IpcRenderer
Generally, data: unknown[]
is defined. When transmitting, it is very difficult to know in the main process what data type is passed in. This should be optimized. Determine a data structure.
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