Perhaps this is a fairly obvious answer considering where you clearly invest most of you time, but I feel compelled to ask it anyway.
I, too, am a JavaScript developer and really love it. But in my own continued growth and desire to learn more, I've always wanted to get into Mac and iOS development. And I as I am finally getting free time to explore those things, I feel torn.
I could spend my limited free time (family man) learning these things slowly or I could begin to take advantage of my current skill sets and start leveraging things like React Native, Electron, Node, etc. to begin executing on ideas and cranking them out much faster.
I believe you've done both native desktop / mobile development and also desktop / mobile development using things like Electron and Node (your latest work on Caprine actually inspired this ama...nicely done!).
I would love to hear your insight and perspective on if taking the time to learn native development is worth it or if continuing to invest in JavaScript as a way to do universal development is a better idea.
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