Hi, I have Alfred's settings synced and placed on Google Drive. When I am creating a blank workflow it lands also on google drive. My repository is placed on my local drive, so I set Script Filter like this:
/Users/user/path/to/local/repo/node_modules/.bin/run-node /Users/user/path/to/local/repo/index.js "$1"
and this configuration prints an error:
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'package' of '(intermediate value)' as it is undefined.\n at updateNotification (file: [...]/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/alfy/lib/update-notification.js:5:18)",
When I move all files to the workflow's directory on Google Drive it works, because read-pkg-up
sees package.json.
Is it possible to develop a workflow which files are placed in another location than the workflow and alfred preferences?
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