Describe the bug you encountered:
On a mouse with extra buttons:
Scroll left/right:
For example, on this page:
On the little example navigation area which has a horizontal scrollbar, in normal use (not using RustDesk) clicking the scroll right button (tiliting middle button to the right) will scroll to the right normally. However, when doing this on a remote machine using RustDesk, the behaviour of the scroll buttons are reversed - tilting the middle button to the right scrolls left, and tilting left scrolls right.
Back and forward buttons:
The back and forward buttons do not seem to be passed through to the remote machine at all (for example, these buttons are normally used to navigate back/forward in a web browser or through folders in Windows Explorer etc).
If it will help, according to what I have read online, the "back" button should be XBUTTON1 and "forward" should be XBUTTON2 (source).
For the right/left scroll, I'm unsure how they work whether it's as a button or maybe this - simply my guess.
On my mouse, it clicks like a button but maybe it's technically a wheel. In any case, as stated above, it is currently implemented but in reverse.
What did you expect to happen instead?
Reverse the current scroll left/right behaviour to fix the scrolling issue. Scrolling right on the mouse should scroll right, and left should scroll left.
Implement passthrough for back and forward mouse buttons.
How did you install RustDesk
Build from source (yesterday)
RustDesk version and environment
Client: Windows 10, Rustdesk built from source
Remote: Windows 7, Rustdesk 1.1.9 downloaded from website.
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