I am getting this error on a newly created hetzner cloud ipv6-only instance when running the pro server inside docker with the docker.io/rustdesk/rustdesk-server-pro:latest
[2025-02-08 10:10:56.607328 +00:00] INFO [/home/runner/work/rustdesk-server-pro/rustdesk-server-pro/src/lic.rs:225] Checking license ...
[2025-02-08 10:10:56.607308 +00:00] INFO [src/lic.rs:225] Checking license ...
[2025-02-08 10:10:56.720094 +00:00] INFO [src/lic.rs:244] proxy:
[2025-02-08 10:10:56.720094 +00:00] INFO [/home/runner/work/rustdesk-server-pro/rustdesk-server-pro/src/lic.rs:244] proxy:
[2025-02-08 10:10:56.721193 +00:00] ERROR [/home/runner/work/rustdesk-server-pro/rustdesk-server-pro/src/lic.rs:207] network error: reqwest::Error { kind: Request, url: "https://rustdesk.com/api/lic/license/check", source: hyper_util::client::legacy::Error(Connect, ConnectError("tcp connect error", Os { code: 101, kind: NetworkUnreachable, message: "Network is unreachable" })) }
The issue seems to be that there is no AAAA
ipv6 record for rustdesk.com, that is dig rustdesk.com -t AAAA
does not return an ipv6 address.
On a server without any ipv4 configured, run:
ping rustdesk.com
It will return network is unreachable. Other domains which have a configured AAAA
ipv6 records works fine.
It is expected that rustdesk.com
has a AAAA
record such that the license validation can succeed on ipv6-only servers.
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