When first installing OSS I wasn't prompted with the "this can run as a non priveleged user".
When upgrading to pro by running the script provided, the HBBR service didnt start.
When first installing OS version I ran it as admin1.
I ran the upgrade script as root due to an error with using "sudo bash" as admin1.
I used svc_user1 as the non-priveleged user.
After trying to uninstall, reinstall and so on I found out that a HBBR service still ran on the active ports 21115:21119 - i killed the HBBR process and it started instantly.
systemctl status rustdesk-hbbr.service
This will exit with error code.
Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS (non-docker)
1.4.5 - only serverside
A restart of the server could've possibly solved it, however I didnt try it as a regular update should run without restarts.
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