Start accepting donations today ♥️



We launched donations over the weekend a bit in silence. It's also off by default - you need to enable it. Despite this, a few developers quickly caught on and have already received hundreds of dollars in donations within 48 hours 😍

Let's see what happens now that the feature is announced properly. We also can't wait to tell you about a few things it will empower in the near future.

Enable donations

Let's start with enabling it on your Polar page.

Dashboard - Activate donations

  1. Go to the new Donations page in your dashboard
  2. Click Enable donations and that's it. New to Polar? Please goto Finance and start setting up Stripe too - ensuring you're in a supported country for payouts.

That's it. You can now click Public page to see what it looks like.

Receiving donations

Donations on public page

Your audience can now see the donation option underneath your profile in connection with existing subscribers.


From there they can insert an amount and message. Enter their payment method or select an existing one saved on file - for existing users with saved details from before.


Done. Just donated $10 in a few seconds.

Show me the love

As a developer, I receive a notification of new donations and can easily keep track in the dashboard over time.

Donations overview

Have the Discord webhook setup with Polar for notifications? Donations will be shared there too.

Future opportunities

Now with donations in-place, we're excited to soon offer some great use cases for it:

  • Embeddable SVG on README
  • Convert "Fund" badges in issue funding to "Thank". Donations of gratitude towards the maintainer once issues are completed.
  • Embeddable "Tip" badges on pull requests
  • Other ideas? Let us know ♥️