Nation notes: OpenEMR allows to share the Categories from the Context to other users but then it was not sharing the Context because of that even though the categories are shared other user who has not created context or category was not able to use it. We have rectified that bug.
Printing bug of the LBF form: In the patient report if values are coming from nation notes defined categories and pretext printing was getting al jumbled up.
OEMR LBF Request - Required fields :
Previous behavior - When a field's UOR is marked as Required, it makes it required for the entire layout.
Current behavior - The Required UOR field would only apply when the Introduction group is selected within the layout.
predefined LBF selections was not working this has been fixed.
If we add HCPCS or CPT or ICD code at the list and if the list is selected at patient encounter based layout based form the we auto populate that in the fee sheet.
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