\n```\n\nThis can now be served using uvicorn by running `uvicorn app:app`, making the app available at []( You can now visit this address in your browser and send and receive messages. If you connect multiple clients, you’ll see that each of them will receive all messages, as well as the last 10 messages sent when they first connect.\n\nHow does this work?\n-------------------\n\n```py\n@websocket_listener(\"/ws\", connection_lifespan=chat_room_lifespan) \ndef chat_handler(data: str, channels: ChannelsPlugin) -> None: \n channels.publish(data, channels=[\"chat\"])\n```\n\nThe `websocket_listener` decorator crates a WebSocket handler, which will accept the connection, which it will then keep open, listen for incoming messages, and invoke the `chat_handler` function every time the socket receives a message, passing the messaged received to the `data` parameter.\n\nVia dependency injection, we can receive an instance of the `ChannelsPlugin`, which provides itself as a dependency once it’s registered. We then use the synchronous `publish` method, to publish the data received via the socket to the channel `chat`.\n\n`connection_lifespan` accepts a context manager, which will be entered once a socket connects, and is what we’re using to send the data that’s being published to the `chat` channel.\n\n```py\n@asynccontextmanager \nasync def chat_room_lifespan(socket: WebSocket, channels: ChannelsPlugin): \n async with channels.start_subscription(\"chat\", history=10) as subscriber: \n try: \n async with subscriber.run_in_background(socket.send_data): \n yield \n except WebSocketDisconnect: \n return\n```\n\nUsing dependency injection again, we can receive the `WebSocket` connection, and the `ChannelsPlugin`. The `start_subscription` async context-manager is used to subscribe to one or more channels, and manages these subscriptions for us. We pass `\"chat\"` as the first argument, defining the channels we want to subscribe to and `history=10`, which will cause a new subscriber to receive the last 10 messages from the stream as soon as it starts the subscription.\n\nWhen we exit this context manager, it will unsubscribe from the channels again, cleaning up resources as necessary. In our case, we also catch the `WebSocketDisconnet` exception, which will be thrown by our `socket.send_data` callback in the background worker after a client has disconnected, to handle disconnects more gracefully.\n\nIt returns a `Subscriber` object, which can then be used to publish the messages received via the stream. `subscriber.run_in_background(socket.send_data)` creates another context manager, which will start an asynchronous background task, iterating over all the channels previously subscribed by this subscriber, and invoking the callback provided, in this case `socket.send_data`.\n\nFor a more in-depth explanation, check out these articles in the Litestar documentation:\n\n* [https://docs.litestar.dev/2/usage/websockets](https://docs.litestar.dev/2/usage/websockets.html)\n* [https://docs.litestar.dev/2/usage/channels](https://docs.litestar.dev/2/usage/channels)\n\nInter-process communication\n---------------------------\n\nIn this example, the `MemoryChannelsBackend` is used, which is good for testing or applications that are only every going to run on a single process, but most web applications will run multiple worker processes, or even on multiple independent machines.\n\nFor this, two Redis-based backends are provided: `RedisChannelsPubSubBackend` and `RedisChannelsStreamBackend`, making use of Redis’ PubSub and Streams respectively.\n\nIn the future, other backends such as RabbitMQ or Kafka might be added as well.\n","author":{"@type":"Organization","name":"litestar-org","url":"https://polar.sh/litestar-org"},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"litestar-org","url":"https://polar.sh/litestar-org"},"datePublished":"2023-05-14T17:06:00.000Z"}

Creating a WebSocket chat in just 30 lines with Litestar


With the beta release of Litestar 2.0 just around the corner, here’s a little sneak peek of some of its exciting new features, in particular its extended WebSocket support and the newly introduced channels module.

The combination of these two makes for some nice and easy patterns, providing powerful features, for example, WebSocket broadcasting, supporting amongst other things inter-process communication and a configurable history.

Let’s leave the background information aside for now and dive straight into the code, so you can see what this is capable of.

The app

First, you’ll need to install the latest development version of Litestar, and a server to run it. You can do so by running

pip install litestar==2.0.0alpha7 uvicorn[standard]

The next step is to create the application and save it as app.py:

from contextlib import asynccontextmanager  
from typing import AsyncContextManager  
from litestar import Litestar, WebSocket  
from litestar.channels import ChannelsPlugin  
from litestar.channels.backends.memory import MemoryChannelsBackend  
from litestar.exceptions import WebSocketDisconnect  
from litestar.handlers import websocket_listener  
from litestar.static_files import StaticFilesConfig  
async def chat_room_lifespan(socket: WebSocket, channels: ChannelsPlugin) -> AsyncContextManager[None]:  
  async with channels.start_subscription("chat", history=10) as subscriber:  
      async with subscriber.run_in_background(socket.send_data):  
    except WebSocketDisconnect:  
@websocket_listener("/ws", connection_lifespan=chat_room_lifespan)  
def chat_handler(data: str, channels: ChannelsPlugin) -> None:  
  channels.publish(data, channels=["chat"])  
app = Litestar(  
  plugins=[ChannelsPlugin(channels=["chat"], backend=MemoryChannelsBackend(history=10))],  
  static_files_config=[StaticFilesConfig(directories=["static"], path="/", html_mode=True)],  

As you can see, this is quite compact and comes in at just 30 lines (20 without the imports).

And the “frontend” part of our demo app, saved in an index.html file:

<div id="chat"></div>  
<input id="input" placeholder="Enter message">  
    const chat = document.getElementById("chat")  
    const input = document.getElementById("input")  
    const ws = new WebSocket("ws://")  
    ws.onmessage = event => {  
        const messageEl = document.createElement("div")  
        messageEl.textContent = event.data  
    document.addEventListener("keydown", event => {  
        if (event.key === "Enter") {  
            input.value = ""  

This can now be served using uvicorn by running uvicorn app:app, making the app available at You can now visit this address in your browser and send and receive messages. If you connect multiple clients, you’ll see that each of them will receive all messages, as well as the last 10 messages sent when they first connect.

How does this work?

@websocket_listener("/ws", connection_lifespan=chat_room_lifespan)  
def chat_handler(data: str, channels: ChannelsPlugin) -> None:  
    channels.publish(data, channels=["chat"])

The websocket_listener decorator crates a WebSocket handler, which will accept the connection, which it will then keep open, listen for incoming messages, and invoke the chat_handler function every time the socket receives a message, passing the messaged received to the data parameter.

Via dependency injection, we can receive an instance of the ChannelsPlugin, which provides itself as a dependency once it’s registered. We then use the synchronous publish method, to publish the data received via the socket to the channel chat.

connection_lifespan accepts a context manager, which will be entered once a socket connects, and is what we’re using to send the data that’s being published to the chat channel.

async def chat_room_lifespan(socket: WebSocket, channels: ChannelsPlugin):  
    async with channels.start_subscription("chat", history=10) as subscriber:  
            async with subscriber.run_in_background(socket.send_data):  
        except WebSocketDisconnect:  

Using dependency injection again, we can receive the WebSocket connection, and the ChannelsPlugin. The start_subscription async context-manager is used to subscribe to one or more channels, and manages these subscriptions for us. We pass "chat" as the first argument, defining the channels we want to subscribe to and history=10, which will cause a new subscriber to receive the last 10 messages from the stream as soon as it starts the subscription.

When we exit this context manager, it will unsubscribe from the channels again, cleaning up resources as necessary. In our case, we also catch the WebSocketDisconnet exception, which will be thrown by our socket.send_data callback in the background worker after a client has disconnected, to handle disconnects more gracefully.

It returns a Subscriber object, which can then be used to publish the messages received via the stream. subscriber.run_in_background(socket.send_data) creates another context manager, which will start an asynchronous background task, iterating over all the channels previously subscribed by this subscriber, and invoking the callback provided, in this case socket.send_data.

For a more in-depth explanation, check out these articles in the Litestar documentation:

Inter-process communication

In this example, the MemoryChannelsBackend is used, which is good for testing or applications that are only every going to run on a single process, but most web applications will run multiple worker processes, or even on multiple independent machines.

For this, two Redis-based backends are provided: RedisChannelsPubSubBackend and RedisChannelsStreamBackend, making use of Redis’ PubSub and Streams respectively.

In the future, other backends such as RabbitMQ or Kafka might be added as well.