SQLAdminPlugins works on its own but breaks when StructlogPlugin is added. I believe this is a Litestar Internal bug however which is why I'm raising this issue here. I have determined that:
calls self.extract_body()
calls request.form()
calls self.stream()
calls self.route_handler.resolve_request_max_body_size()
is NOT HTTPRouteHandler
as expected, but instead ASGIRouteHandler
, which does not support this method. except Exception as exc:
if self.skip_parse_malformed_body:
return await request.body() <--- again ends up calling Request.stream(), raising same exception.
raise exc
No response
from litestar import Litestar
from sqladmin import ModelView
from sqladmin_litestar_plugin import SQLAdminPlugin
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
from litestar.plugins.structlog import StructlogConfig, StructlogPlugin
engine = create_async_engine("sqlite+aiosqlite:///example.db")
Base = declarative_base()
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = "users"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String)
class UserAdmin(ModelView, model=User):
column_list = [User.id, User.name]
async def on_startup() -> None:
async with engine.begin() as conn:
await conn.run_sync(Base.metadata.create_all) # Create tables
admin = SQLAdminPlugin(views=[UserAdmin], engine=engine)
plugins = [admin]
# Works fine without the StructlogPlugin; but adding the structlog plugin causes errors when creating/editing items in the admin page!
app = Litestar(plugins=plugins, on_startup=[on_startup])
1. Run example
2. Go to localhost/admin
3. Try to create/edit an user
4. Internal Server Error 500
"path": "/user/edit/1/",
"exception_0": {
"summary": "AttributeError('ASGIRouteHandler' object has no attribute 'resolve_request_max_body_size')",
"frames": [
"data_extractors.py:303 (in ConnectionDataExtractor.extract_body)",
"request.py:267 (in HTMXRequest.form)",
"_multipart.py:78 (in parse_multipart_form)",
"request.py:193 (in HTMXRequest.stream)"
"exception_1": {
"summary": "AttributeError('ASGIRouteHandler' object has no attribute 'resolve_request_max_body_size')",
"frames": [
"middleware.py:159 (in ExceptionHandlerMiddleware.__call__)",
"authentication.py:90 (in SessionAuthMiddleware.__call__)",
"base.py:129 (in LoggingMiddleware.wrapped_call)",
"logging.py:110 (in LoggingMiddleware.__call__)",
"logging.py:124 (in LoggingMiddleware.log_request)",
"logging.py:174 (in LoggingMiddleware.extract_request_data)",
"data_extractors.py:172 (in ConnectionDataExtractor.extract)",
"data_extractors.py:311 (in ConnectionDataExtractor.extract_body)",
"request.py:252 (in HTMXRequest.body)",
"request.py:193 (in HTMXRequest.stream)"
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