Describe the bug
In our open source project reqstool we have several JSON Schemas. We would like to use datamode-code-generator to generate pydantic v2 code, but the code does not get generated correctly.
Our schemas have been validated with: check-jsonschema --verbose --schemafile "" <schema_folder>/*
However, it seems as if patternProperties in JSON Schemas are not handled properly.
To Reproduce
Example schema:
All schemas are available here:
The requirements.schema.json is the most advanced but it does not use pattternProperties.
An example to use is: annotations.schema.json where there is:
note: This particular case does not need to use patternProperties since the two properties implementations
and tests
and known before runtime.
"$defs": {
"requirement_annotations": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"patternProperties": {
"^implementations": {
"type": "object",
"$ref": "#/$defs/annotation",
"description": "requirement annotation used in implementation"
"^tests": {
"type": "object",
"$ref": "#/$defs/annotation",
"description": "requirement annotation used in test"
Used commandline:
$ DIR=. find $DIR -type f -name '*.schema.json' -exec sh -c 'base_name=$(basename "{}" .schema.json); datamodel-codegen --input "{}" --input-file-type jsonschema --output "$DIR/$" --output-model-type pydantic_v2.BaseModel --use-annotated --use-standard-collections --capitalize-enum-members --target-python-version 3.10 --use-schema-description --wrap-string-literal --use-double-quotes --use-field-description --snake-case-field ' \;
Expected behavior
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Additional context
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