As a stretch goal, it would be useful to have a few standard Applications bundled with the main software that can be used to encapsulate Packages for other Applications. There are two main options:
The cipher can be implemented pretty simply using an XOF to generate a pseudo-random stream of bytes that are then XORed to encrypt plaintext or decrypt ciphertext. Example cipher that works in micropython. The Application would have two callbacks with the following signatures:
def encrypt(self, package: Package, key: bytes) -> Package:
""""Encapsulate the given package, encrypting it with the given key
and returning a new Package.
plaintext = package.pack()
iv = token_bytes(16)
ciphertext = ....
return Package.from_blob(, iv + ciphertext)
def decrypt(self, package: Package, key: bytes) -> Package:
"""Open a Package encrypted by this Application, decrypt its
contents using the given key, then return the original Package.
assert package.verify(), 'rejecting corrupted Package'
assert package.app_id ==, 'cannot decrypt a Package from a different Application'
assert len(package.blob) > 16, 'invalid Package: must have IV and ciphertext'
iv, ciphertext = package.blob[:16], package.blob[16:]
plaintext = ...
return Package.unpack(plaintext)
This will be dependent upon whatever elliptic curve cryptographic capabilities can be achieved via #1. The Application would have two callbacks with the following signatures:
def encrypt(self, package: Package, sender_privkey: bytes, recipient_pubkey: bytes) -> Package:
""""Encapsulate the given package, encrypting it using ECDHE
and returning a new Package.
plaintext = package.pack()
sender_pubkey: bytes = ...
ciphertext: bytes = ....
return Package.from_blob(, len(sender_pubkey).to_bytes(1, 'big') + sender_pubkey + ciphertext)
def decrypt(self, package: Package, recipient_privkey: bytes) -> Package:
"""Open a Package encrypted by this Application, decrypt its
contents using the given key, then return the original Package.
assert package.verify(), 'rejecting corrupted Package'
assert package.app_id ==, 'cannot decrypt a Package from a different Application'
pk_len = int.from_bytes(package.blob[:1], 'big')
assert len(package.blob) > pk_len + 1, 'invalid Package: must have pk_len, pubkey, and ciphertext'
sender_pubkey, ciphertext = package.blob[1:1+pk_len], package.blob[1+pk_len:]
plaintext = ...
return Package.unpack(plaintext)
The above pseudocode is not exact, but it gets the concept across: the Package blobs must include the sender's public key, an IV, etc -- whatever the specific ECDHE implementation requires -- as well as the ciphertext. This assumes that ECDHE will be possible with whatever asymmetric key system is ultimately implemented in this project.
Source code references:
Note that performance of the linked stream cipher must be tested and compared to the performance of AES from the micropython cryptolib module.
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