PHP 8.2.20
Apache mod_alias is being used to alias /v2 to the FilamentPHP public directory at /var/www/html/public accessed from https://localhost/v2
The current v1 public directory is at /var/www/html/www.80 accessed from https://localhost/
When using ->path('/') or ->path('') in the FilamentPHP routes, the following error is thrown ONLY only for the Dashboard when the routes are cached:
The GET method is not supported for route /. Supported methods: HEAD.
You are still able to access any additional routes such as /v2/login, /v2/register, etc. Though the root path /v2 is causing the error.
If you clear the cache, php artisan optimize:clear
the error goes away and the Dashboard path /v2 functions as normal.
Accessing the Dashboard should function properly when routes are cached and not cached when using Apache alias
Refer to the Reproduction Repository for Docker environment for replicating the error.
composer install
npm install && npm run build
docker compose up -d --build
php artisan filament:user
Test User
[email protected]
[email protected]
docker exec -it cms bash -i -c "php artisan route:cache"
The GET method is not supported for route /. Supported methods: HEAD.
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