PHP 8.2.8
When adding items with the addBetweenAction once there are 4-5 items in the state the last item looses its alpine data somehow resulting in alpine throwing up in the console because ‘isCollapsed’ is undefined.
But then it reinitializes itself. But continues to not have the alpine data set on any following actions.
So if you click on collapse all they all collapse except that one. But the bug still happens regardless of collapsible or not.
addAction doesn’t seem to trigger the issue, probably because the new item is always at the end of the state array.
Blocks do not loose their alpine x-data properties.
Alpine Expression Error: isCollapsed is not defined
Expression: "{ 'fi-collapsed overflow-hidden': isCollapsed }"
<li class="fi-fo-builder-item round…te/5 dark:ring-white/10" wire:key="PbiK2x6DQxx8eyCmZdri.dat…omponents\\Builder.item" x-data="{\n … }" x-init="() => console.log(`init …0b7-85aa-a6cee2bf0343`)" x-on:builder-expand.window="$event.detail === 'data.…& (isCollapsed = false)" x-on:builder-collapse.window="$event.detail === 'data.…&& (isCollapsed = true)" x-on:expand="isCollapsed = false" x-sortable-item="f2c27680-717b-40b7-85aa-a6cee2bf0343" x-bind:class="{ 'fi-collapsed overflow-hidden': isCollapsed }" data-has-alpine-state="true">
Alpine Expression Error: isCollapsed is not defined
Expression: "{ '-rotate-180': isCollapsed }"
<li class="relative transition" x-on:click.stop="isCollapsed = !isCollapsed" x-bind:class="{ '-rotate-180': isCollapsed }">
Alpine Expression Error: isCollapsed is not defined
Expression: "{ 'opacity-0 pointer-events-none': isCollapsed }"
<div class="transition" x-bind:class="{ 'opacity-0 pointer-events-none': isCollapsed }">
Alpine Expression Error: isCollapsed is not defined
Expression: "{ 'opacity-0 pointer-events-none': ! isCollapsed }"
<div class="absolute inset-0 rotate-180 transition" x-bind:class="{ 'opacity-0 pointer-events-none': ! isCollapsed }">
Alpine Expression Error: isCollapsed is not defined
Expression: "! isCollapsed"
<div class="fi-fo-builder-item-conte…-4 dark:border-white/10" x-show="! isCollapsed">
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