codicefiscale.encode('Michele', 'Faedi', 'm', '01/01/1907', 'Gallico')
I also have a solution. I try to create birthdate_str
until it work or at maximum 3 attempt. Each attempt decrease the birthdate_year
by 100.
def decode(code: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
Decodes the italian fiscal code.
:param code: The code
:type code: string
:returns: The data associated to the code and some additional info.
:rtype: dict
raw = decode_raw(code)
code = raw["code"]
birthdate_year = int(raw["birthdate_year"].translate(_OMOCODIA_DECODE_TRANS))
birthdate_month = _MONTHS.index(raw["birthdate_month"]) + 1
birthdate_day = int(raw["birthdate_day"].translate(_OMOCODIA_DECODE_TRANS))
if birthdate_day > 40:
birthdate_day -= 40
gender = "F"
gender = "M"
current_year = datetime.now().year
current_year_century_prefix = str(current_year)[0:-2]
birthdate_year_suffix = str(birthdate_year).zfill(2)
birthdate_year = int(f"{current_year_century_prefix}{birthdate_year_suffix}")
if birthdate_year > current_year:
birthdate_year -= 100
attempt = 1
while True:
birthdate_str = f"{birthdate_year}/{birthdate_month}/{birthdate_day}"
birthdate = _get_date(birthdate_str, separator="/")
if not birthdate:
raise ValueError(f"[codicefiscale] invalid date: {birthdate_str}")
birthplace_code = raw["birthplace"][0] + raw["birthplace"][1:].translate(
birthplace = _get_birthplace(birthplace_code, birthdate)
# print(birthplace)
if not birthplace:
raise ValueError(
"[codicefiscale] wrong birthplace code: "
f"{birthplace_code!r} / birthdate: {birthdate.isoformat()!r}."
except ValueError as e:
attempt += 1
birthdate_year -= 100
if attempt > 3:
raise e
cin = raw["cin"]
cin_check = encode_cin(code)
# print(cin, cin_check)
if cin != cin_check:
raise ValueError(
"[codicefiscale] wrong CIN (Control Internal Number): "
f"expected {cin_check!r}, found {cin!r}"
data = {
"code": code,
"omocodes": _get_omocodes(code),
"gender": gender,
"birthdate": birthdate,
"birthplace": birthplace,
"raw": raw,
# print(data)
return data
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