We are using tsup in storybook, but we seem to have a problem with the declaration files emitted by tsup.
This is a minimal reproduction of the file:
import { default as expectPatched } from '@storybook/expect';
export interface Expect extends Pick<jest.Expect, keyof jest.Expect> {
<T = any>(actual: T): jest.JestMatchersShape<
jest.Matchers<Promise<void>, T>,
jest.Matchers<Promise<void>, T>
export const expect: Expect = expectPatched as Expect;
When I just try to generate type declaration with tsc, it will output this:
/// <reference types="jest" />
export interface Expect extends Pick<jest.Expect, keyof jest.Expect> {
<T = any>(actual: T): jest.JestMatchersShape<jest.Matchers<Promise<void>, T>, jest.Matchers<Promise<void>, T>>;
export declare const expect: Expect;
But when I do same with tsup, the triple slash types directive is missing:
interface Expect extends Pick<jest.Expect, keyof jest.Expect> {
<T = any>(actual: T): jest.JestMatchersShape<jest.Matchers<Promise<void>, T>, jest.Matchers<Promise<void>, T>>;
declare const expect: Expect;
export { Expect, expect };
Can I somehow configure tsup
to generate those directives. It seems like this is meant to be included:
For declaration files generated during compilation, the compiler will automatically add
/// <reference types="..." />
for you; A/// <reference types="..." />
in a generated declaration file is added if and only if the resulting file uses any declarations from the referenced package.
This also breaks when building storybook in angular projects. When I manually add the directive it works again:
> yarn build-storybook --quiet
info => Cleaning outputDir: /storybook-static
info => Loading presets
info => Building manager..
info => Manager built (369 ms)
info => Compiling preview..
info => Copying static files: /tmp/storybook/sandbox/angular-cli-default-ts/node_modules/@storybook/manager/static at /tmp/storybook/sandbox/angular-cli-default-ts/storybook-static/sb-common-assets
info Addon-docs: using MDX2
info => Using implicit CSS loaders
info => Using angular browser target options from "angular-latest:build"
info => Using angular project with "tsConfig:/tmp/storybook/sandbox/angular-cli-default-ts/.storybook/tsconfig.json"
info => Using default Webpack5 setup
ERR! => Failed to build the preview
ERR! node_modules/@storybook/jest/dist/index.d.ts:8:31 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'jest'.
ERR! 8 interface Expect extends Pick<jest.Expect, keyof jest.Expect> {
ERR! ~~~~
ERR! node_modules/@storybook/jest/dist/index.d.ts:8:50 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'jest'.
ERR! 8 interface Expect extends Pick<jest.Expect, keyof jest.Expect> {
ERR! ~~~~
ERR! node_modules/@storybook/jest/dist/index.d.ts:15:27 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'jest'.
ERR! 15 <T = any>(actual: T): jest.JestMatchersShape<jest.Matchers<Promise<void>, T>, jest.Matchers<Promise<void>, T>>;
ERR! ~~~~
ERR! node_modules/@storybook/jest/dist/index.d.ts:15:50 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'jest'.
ERR! 15 <T = any>(actual: T): jest.JestMatchersShape<jest.Matchers<Promise<void>, T>, jest.Matchers<Promise<void>, T>>;
ERR! ~~~~
ERR! node_modules/@storybook/jest/dist/index.d.ts:15:83 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'jest'.
ERR! 15 <T = any>(actual: T): jest.JestMatchersShape<jest.Matchers<Promise<void>, T>, jest.Matchers<Promise<void>, T>>;
One workaround I found is setting the banner:
dts: {
entry: ['./src/index.ts'],
resolve: true,
banner: '/// <reference types="jest" />',
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