The following config preserves all "use client"
flags for react files containing this flag but it is not clear why this is the case.
import { relative } from "path";
import { defineConfig, type Options } from "tsup";
// prettier-ignore
const tsupConfig = (options: Options) => ({
// esbuildOptions: (options, _) => {
// options.keepNames = true;
// options.minifyIdentifiers = false;
// },
// minifyIdentifiers: false,
// banner: { js: '"use client"' },
entry: ["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.tsx", "src/globals.css", "src/tailwind.cjs","!src/fs/**/*.{ts,json}"],
target: ["esnext"],
external: ["react"],
experimentalDts: true,
watch: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",
keepNames: true,
shims: true,
bundle: true,
format: ["cjs", "esm"],
tsconfig: relative(process.cwd(), "tsconfig.json"),
clean: true,
outDir: "dist",
} satisfies Options);
export default defineConfig(tsupConfig);
however, if I uncomment the commented out code block as follows
import { relative } from "path";
import { defineConfig, type Options } from "tsup";
// prettier-ignore
const tsupConfig = (options: Options) => ({
esbuildOptions: (options, _) => {
options.keepNames = true;
options.minifyIdentifiers = false;
minifyIdentifiers: false,
banner: { js: '"use client"' },
entry: ["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.tsx", "src/globals.css", "src/tailwind.cjs","!src/fs/**/*.{ts,json}"],
target: ["esnext"],
external: ["react"],
experimentalDts: true,
watch: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",
keepNames: true,
shims: true,
bundle: true,
format: ["cjs", "esm"],
tsconfig: relative(process.cwd(), "tsconfig.json"),
clean: true,
outDir: "dist",
} satisfies Options);
export default defineConfig(tsupConfig);
It now applies the "use client"
flag to every single output file which is of course undesired behavior
Lastly, if I remove the commented out code as follows
import { relative } from "path";
import { defineConfig, type Options } from "tsup";
// prettier-ignore
const tsupConfig = (options: Options) => ({
entry: ["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.tsx", "src/globals.css", "src/tailwind.cjs","!src/fs/**/*.{ts,json}"],
target: ["esnext"],
external: ["react"],
experimentalDts: true,
watch: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",
keepNames: true,
shims: true,
bundle: true,
format: ["cjs", "esm"],
tsconfig: relative(process.cwd(), "tsconfig.json"),
clean: true,
outDir: "dist",
} satisfies Options);
export default defineConfig(tsupConfig);
it doesn't preserve any "use client"
flags in the output code at all
I am thoroughly confused as to why having the commented-out block of config options does the trick when it comes to properly preserving the "use client" flag (for targeted files containing this flag only)
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- node version: 20.12.2
- npm version: 10.5.0
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