I am using version 3.1.8 and had great trouble getting a css file to avoid getting hashed by the module code.
I have a transition.css
My config was this:
extract: true,
modules: true,
use: ['sass'],
I had to log this code to work it out even though I read #292 #296
const autoModules = options.autoModules !== false && options.onlyModules !== true; // true
const isAutoModule = autoModules && isModuleFile(_this.id); // false
const supportModules = autoModules ? isAutoModule : options.modules; // finally false
I ended up eventually with this
extract: true,
modules: false,
autoModules: true,
use: ['sass'],
It never occurred to me that modules: false would be the answer or autoModules would not apply to everything.
Should there not just be 1 boolean field and that is it? { modules: boolean }
I don't know the history and apologies if this comes across rude as this is not my intent.
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