When an array of entry points is provided to Rollup, it turns every entry point to separate output chunks. It would be great if there was a possibility to have the same for CSS files with this plugin. As for now the plugin just generates one CSS file which contains all the styles. Extracting CSS into a single file makes tree-shaking no to work, in case I want to ship only critical styles in the bundle.
Bundle structure:
β ββββ Input
β β index.js
β ββββ Button
β β index.js
β index.js
β chunk.js
β styles.css
Bundle structure:
β ββββ Input
β β index.js
β β styles.css
β ββββ Button
β β index.js
β β styles.css
β index.js
β chunk.js
β styles.css
This is the rollup config that I have to reproduce the issue with this plugin:
rollupConfig = {
input: ['./src/components/Button/index.js', './src/components/Input/index.js'],
output: [
dir: lib,
format: 'cjs',
sourcemap: true,
exports: 'named'
plugins: [
modules: true,
extract: true,
sourceMap: true,
minimize: true
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