When accessing a GraphQL API, you typically do this:
mutation MyMutation($name: String!, $password: $String!) {
insert_user(objects: [{name: $name, password: $password}]) {
returning {
variables: {
name: 'kevin',
password: 'xxx'
It's verbose, but if you also use TypeScript, a decent amount of manual type declarations are needed for type safety and that makes it even more verbose:
type OperationResult = {
insert_user: {
returning: Array<{ id: string }>
type OperationVariables = {
name: string
password: string
apolloClient.mutate<OperationResult, OperationVariables>(gql`
mutation MyMutation($name: String!, $password: $String!) {
insert_user(objects: [{name: $name, password: $password}]) {
returning {
variables: {
name: 'kevin',
password: 'xxx'
I wonder if it's possible/practical to generate a JS/TS/Go SDK with built-in types from a random GraphQL endpoint, given that you are able to access its schema file.
So instead of using DSL, you use an actual language instead:
const client = require('./generated-client')
await client.insert_user({
objects: [{ name: 'kevin', password: 'xxx' }],
select: {
returning: {
id: true
And it's type-safe by default.
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