I'm using this Python library and it suggests that a minimal use looks something like this:
from graphiti_core import Graphiti
graphiti = Graphiti("bolt://localhost:7687", "neo4j", "password")
results = await graphiti.search('Who was the California Attorney General?')
Here's what I'm doing:
import { python } from "@denosaurs/python";
const { Graphiti } = await python.import("graphiti_core");
const graphiti = await Graphiti(
const search = async (query: string) => {
const result = await graphiti.search(query);
await search("Test search");
As I understand it this should be functionally equivalent, but the result of search is <coroutine object Graphiti.search at 0x11e2ac040>
- it seems like using await is not properly resolving the coroutine.
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