SMOP is a very effective Matlab to Python transpiler. It is an active project available here:
Atom already has a range of language Transpilers ( and SMOP would fit in nicely.
For Matlab to Python conversion a split screen presentation such as shown for "Java to Coffeescript" at: would be very helpful, especially when used in conjunction with the automatic Lint and Pep8 plugins. Making a conversion really efficient, it quickly cleans up trivial stuff like missing white spaces after commas.
I've tried to create a SMOP plug-in package for Atom, but with limited success because I know nothing about Java and Coffeescript. I got a plug-in going using Atom’s "Process Palette" package but am so far unsuccessful in turning it into something to share with others. Ive experimented with making a transpilerr but I'm missing some vital understanding.
Please consider adding a Matlab to Python transpiler to your range of plugins.
SMOP is currently available either directly from or by installation using the "pip" command.
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