Bela Bohlender


👋 Hi, I'm Bela!


I'm a Web and XR Developer from Germany, dedicated to building tools that enable others to develop extraordinary applications and experiences. My focus includes but is not limited to the Web and especially WebXR.

🛠 What I Do

I build open-source libraries in the Web and XR ecosystem, trying to make it more intuitive, powerful, and enjoyable for everyone. Currently, I'm building uikit - simplifying the creation of performant 3D user interfaces for Three.js using @react-three/fiber and yoga.

⭐️ Why Sponsor Me?

Sponsorships allow me to pursue this path independently, ensuring that I can focus on projects that have the highest impact on the community and the future of Web and XR development.

📢 Get in Touch!

I'd love to hear from you! Whether you have questions about my work, are interested in collaborating, or just want to chat about Web and XR technologies, feel free to reach out.


Thank you for considering supporting my work. 🙏🏼