I want to filter relationships in a query, but I can't because the ModelConverterBase._prepare_select_options function generates the query in a hardcode.
class CustomModelConverter(ModelConverter):
select_option_stmts = {
'field': select(Model).where(Model.level > 1)
class ModelBaseConverter:
select_option_stmts: Dict[str, Select]
async def _prepare_select_options(
prop: RelationshipProperty,
session_maker: sessionmaker,
) -> list[tuple[str, Any]]:
target_model = prop.mapper.class_
if prop.key in self.select_option_stmts:
stmt = self.select_option_stmts[prop.key]
stmt = select(target_model)
if is_async_session_maker(session_maker):
async with session_maker() as session:
objects = await session.execute(stmt)
return [
(str(self._get_identifier_value(obj)), str(obj))
for obj in objects.scalars().unique().all()
with session_maker() as session:
objects = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(session.execute, stmt)
return [
(str(self._get_identifier_value(obj)), str(obj))
for obj in objects.scalars().unique().all()
class View(ModelView, model=Model):
form_converter = CustomModelConverter
There is an option to inherit from ModelConverter and override the _prepare_select_options method in CustomModelConverter. But it looks like a huge crutch.
class CustomModelConverter(ModelConverter):
async def _prepare_select_options(
prop: RelationshipProperty,
session_maker: sessionmaker,
) -> list[tuple[str, Any]]:
target_model = prop.mapper.class_
stmt = <custom query>
if is_async_session_maker(session_maker):
async with session_maker() as session:
objects = await session.execute(stmt)
return [
(str(self._get_identifier_value(obj)), str(obj))
for obj in objects.scalars().unique().all()
with session_maker() as session:
objects = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(session.execute, stmt)
return [
(str(self._get_identifier_value(obj)), str(obj))
for obj in objects.scalars().unique().all()
class View(ModelView, model=Model):
form_converter = CustomModelConverter
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