Hello, great work ! :)
I would like to be able to add my own url paths below the root endpoint of the admin app.
For example I would like to be able to do a POST on the homepage (url "/")
Something that would look like this
async def post_homepage(request: Request):
logger.warning("post !!")
return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request})
From what I understand it is not possible to access or modify the sub app
Neither is it possible to mount another sub application on the same endpoint (because routes would conflict)
It would be great if we could use the default routes but also add some and override existing routes
from backoffice import homepage
admin = Admin(app, create_engine(Settings().db_uri), base_url="/backoffice")
routes could be added before the existing routes to have priority
No response
No response
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